Amplience: Website

Developed a new approach to content marketing that engaged business users without alienating them with tech speak.

Amplience is one of the world’s leading MACH CMS platforms enabling modern commerce experiences for enterprise retail brands. Celadon worked with them as part of a wider team on a brand refresh and new website with the purpose of attracting and appealing to the business users of their target customers.

Before that team came on board the Amplience content had been trying to appeal to both their customers with technical knowledge and those that use the product in their day to day work (ecommerce and marketing professionals). Both groups were being alienated by this approach and nobody was especially clear on what exactly it was that Amplience was offering.

Jessica began with a content audit to see what was working, what wasn’t and where the gaps were. She then helped to develop a new approach to content marketing that engaged business users without alienating them with tech speak; focusing on how implementing Amplience products would enable them to do their jobs better and faster, and ultimately give them more freedom to create the commerce experiences they craved.

Jessica created and updated all copy for the new website, including collaborating on design, IA and UX. She also wrote in-depth case studies interviewing both customers and internal stakeholders, and edited thought leadership pieces and white papers.

On the strength of the work she contributed to the brand refresh, Jessica was later called back to create a detailed messaging framework that all people across the business (not just the marketing team) could roll out within their departments.


Industry Tech
Inputs Content audit; Content strategy; Copywriting; Copy editing; TOV


When you’re deep into your own subject matter it’s not always easy to detach and see how your customers’ interpret your comms. Jessica was great at creating a clearer, more focused way to talk about what Amplience does, and that’s been instrumental in accelerating our position in market. She finds solutions to comms problems before you even realise you have a problem, and that’s invaluable when you’re trying to scale your business at speed.

— James Brooke, CEO, Amplience