Amplience: Messaging

Ran workshops with teams to create a new purpose, vision and mission framework, and developed new business-wide messaging.

Amplience is one of the world’s leading MACH CMS platforms enabling modern commerce experiences for enterprise retail brands. After working with Celadon on their brand refresh and website launch they sought our help again to further refine the brand messaging and define a new framework for how to talk about the Amplience offer with input from people across the organisation.

In the previous project Jessica had identified the concept of freedom as being one that resonated well with Amplience’s target customers and what they were needing from their CMS. The task now was to scale up and embed the freedom message across the four key areas of Amplience’s offer, alongside defining relevant purpose, vision and mission statements.

The CEO and co-founder had put together a rough iteration of the four key areas, which would become known as the Four Freedoms (and Amplience’s unique proposition). Jessica’s first task was to design and run sessions with employees from different departments across the organisation to get feedback and input on the new direction of the positioning. As with a lot of tech companies, there is often tension between the product teams thinking the messaging is ignoring the tech and the business teams thinking it is too technical. These sessions gave crucial insight into how and where the Amplience teams were articulating the Amplience proposition in different ways.

After collating the insights from the sessions Jessica was able to provide the CEO with suggestions for how to align and elevate the messaging so it was serving all areas of the business. From this she created a purpose, vision and mission framework; wrote the company’s founding story and defined robust differentiation and messaging for the four freedoms that now underpin Amplience’s compelling offer for their customers in an effective and accessible way.


Industry Tech
Inputs Facilitation; Workshops; Purpose, vision, mission framework; Messaging


Jessica is great at bringing teams together, understanding different viewpoints and distilling these into a coherent message that everyone can agree with. I knew she was well-liked by staff from their previous work on our website refresh. I could trust her to get value out of the sessions by creating space for everyone to be heard while adding an outside perspective. She defined a robust, exciting messaging framework that enabled a company-wide focus for the next phase of Amplience’s growth.

— James Brooke, CEO, Amplience