
Wrote and edited Unilever’s new, global HR policy for assessing potential, creating guides for facilitators, practitioners and line managers.

Unilever needed editorial support to help update their existing HR policy for identifying talent within the organisation with the introduction of a new assessment tool. The guides and processes had been through many internal iterations while the new policy was being developed and were lacking in coherence and cohesion.

Jessica’s first task was to assimilate all the available materials and define a new structure for how best to deliver this important new framework to HR trainers and line managers. It was a complex process for assessing potential that needed to be explained in an engaging way.

There were multiple deliverables: HR Practitioners’ Guide; Line Managers’ Guide; Feedback and Development Guide; an overview guide to the tool, and a workshop facilitation guide for the HR trainers. Jessica refined the content, defined the structure of the guides and collaborated with Unilever’s preferred design agency on the finished PDFs.


Industry FMGC
Inputs Writing; Editing; Information design; Governance