We Are Crank

Crafted raw, technically complex material into a comprehensive, simple to follow and easily actionable guide to show ecommerce professionals how to use data and measurement to accelerate sales.

We Are Crank work with ecommerce businesses to improve the performance of their websites using data, analytics and measurement. They wanted to translate their knowledge into a comprehensive guide and reference manual to empower ecommerce professionals to measure, take action and accelerate their growth.

Celadon was initially brought on board for a proofread and sense check of the manuscript. They had collated a first draft of information and grouped this into chapters. 

While Crank are the technical experts in their field, as is often the case with subject matter experts, what makes sense to a technical expert is not necessarily what translates to your target audience. After understanding what they were trying to achieve, Jessica started to restructure the book.

At the root this meant crafting raw, technically complex material into a coherent, simple to follow and easily actionable guide. Jessica reworked the chapters identifying and shaping two distinct sections: theory and practice, while challenging the team at Crank to delve deeper into areas that seemed important but hadn’t been expanded on in much depth. Then she added clarity, refined messaging, and ensured consistency throughout, including within the minutiae of the comprehensive metrics tables.

As a result of the amount of meaningful input she contributed, Jessica was named a supporting author. You can find out more about the book here.


Industry ecommerce
Inputs Copy editing; Information design; Copywriting


When we started writing the book we had a lot of content but little or no structure. Jessica started by providing clarity on what we needed to create and how the content should flow. She dug into the detail and wasn't afraid to ask questions or challenge me on the relevance of the content. She provided the much needed structure and clear signposting of our content in a way I couldn't have imagined. We worked closely hand in hand to get the book finished and it was a delight chatting through the changes, Jessica always made it fun and not a chore. The end result is a beautifully detailed, yet accessible book.

— Ben Salmon, Co-founder, We Are Crank